Show that ring off….you earned it!

My favorite bride-to-be was a precious thing who used to walk around holding her drinks with that ring finger prominently poked out for all of the other jealous girls to see. I am proud of my ring, I earned it and I want everyone to know how lucky I am to have a man who knows what I want in jewelry….that will come in handy down the road.
Set the date and get to plannin’
The first and most important thing, after you set the date, is to find “THU DRESS.” I went to a local bridal shop, with 10 people. I look back now and send a big “bless their heart” to that store for putting up with our crazy Southern gab. I finally found a dress, under budget, and amazing! It is EASY…..try on the dress you have been dying to wear, then go completely opposite and there ya go. I didn’t look at price tags, I wasn’t paying for it, but it ended up being perfect in every way!
When purchasing THU DRESS, remember, if you don’t get that weight off like you wanted, do not be the bride that everyone says “bless her heart, there was so much back fat hangin’ out of her dress it was just too tacky to talk about.”
Reality Isn’t Always the Way To Go
I love Reality TV just as much as the next girl, but I do have problems with 2 shows. “Bridalplasty” would be the first. These poor women have gotten engaged, and now they want some FREE plastic surgery. Your future hubby fell in love with you for who you were, not the plastic you. Now I am not saying that a little nip here and tuck there is a sin, but if you return to him looking like Heidi Montag, he might change his mind.
Show #2 is “Say Yes to the Dress.” I love the staff of Kleinfelds, but the Yankee Brides who come in and want SHEER, see through material on their midriff I have to put my foot down. I would like to go up there and be on the show to give hope to girls from Yankee-land that they can have taste, if they let us teach them. A Southern Bride can show the world, how it is done!
Dos & Don’ts…According to Sister Belle
Do give yourself time to plan the perfect wedding; you don’t want to be rushed.
Do have food at the reception that people will eat with their fingers or toothpicks, don’t have messy food for them to mess up their outfits with
Do register at all of the “must” places in your town, but don’t forget that Belk & Target and great too. Remember you don’t want to have to sell a kidney every time you have to replace a piece of your only have 2.
Do give wonderful gifts to your bridesmaids and groomsmen; DON’T give them something with YOUR wedding date on it and YOUR initials….they will NEVER use it!
Do choose your wedding cakes on taste not on how PRETTY they are. You can pay 10K for an amazing cake for the pictures, and it tastes like dirt….then again don’t hire Aunt Kookie to make your cake that looks like “people are hacking in to this poor animal that looks like it’s bleeding to death.”
Do have the wedding of your dreams; DON’T go into debt planning it. I saved money and you can too
Do have your skin glow and look healthy on your big day; DON’T tan so much you look like Snooki
Do invite those who are the dearest to you to share in your special day; don’t invite random people, you barely know just to get a present
Do remember to write Thank You notes for everything you receive and for parties that are thrown for you. You have a year to write notes for wedding gifts and 2 days to get the party notes out.
Do pick out a dress and tux combination that favor each other, DON’T pick out Hunter’s orange bridesmaid dresses and camo tuxes….We love hunting in the South but that is just tacky
Do enjoy your time being engaged, don’t be stressed. This is such a wonderful time, and if you stress to much you will gain weight and your face will break out. If you need to tone up a bit, go purchase a Shakeweight, they are great!
Hugs & Kisses,
Sister Belle