Monday, February 16, 2009

Put It Back On

My sister said, that when she finally finds the redneck of her dreams, she is going to have his ring engraved with “Put It Back On,” just in case he feels the need to remove the symbol of his eternal servitude to Queen Lindsey. I know my little sister is brilliant and this might be the best marital advice she could give future brides.

Case in point: A year ago some of my Barnett Bend Queens and I were out at the local Karaoke hot spot, McB’s, and we ran into a group of Farm Bureau agents, in town for training. We hung out with these guys for a while that night and noticed that they either had on wedding bands, or had the nice white ring where one usually resides. Whether or not they had a visible gold circle, this did not stop them from picking out a young hot thing and flirting insatiably all night. My particular man, we will call him the River Rat, was married with kids. He was from Vicksburg, in town for 1 night and wanted nothing more than to take me back to his hotel. I politely told him NO and that I was engaged, hoping that would deter him. I was not engaged, but dating someone who I thought I would marry. He tried to get my number and a kiss goodnight. I left that night not thinking we would ever see them again, and we didn’t….UNTIL last Thursday night.

We had a Queenly Birthday bash at McB’s and the same group of Farm Bureau agents came in. I realized that there was a hole being burned into my face by none other than the RIVER RAT. I avoided eye contact until he walked up to me and grabbed me to dance. I found out that my loving sister had informed him was SINGLE. I don’t even remember this guys name! He said that he wanted to take me out when they came back in March, I once again said NO, but this time he told me he was divorced. I don’t know if he really was, but the indention on his hand was still there, so if it were true it has not been very long. And I then politely ran out the door.

I don’t understand how a single guy can have no game, but when they get married girls flock! That is not my cup of tea…One of River Rat’s friends even said “How do you always get the prettiest girls in the bar?” This means that I am not the first and won’t be the last that this horn dog has tried to take home.

So the moral of today’s story kids….When you see a guy the first thing you need to notice is the ole left hand to see if there is a ring, or a ghost of a ring. You are fabulous and there are plenty of fish in the sea, no need in testing your bait in someone else’s pond!

Until Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses Y’all
Sister Belle

1 comment:

  1. that is a great inscription for a wedding ring! so pumped to find y'alls blogs. yours and lindsey's writing makes days more enjoyable! hope y'all are doing well!
